History of the Community in the Parish: Holy Rosary

When the Poor Clares came to Harold’s Cross in 1803 the Convent was in the Parish of St Nicholas of Myra, Francis St, Dublin 8. In 1823 the Parish of Our Lady of Refuge, Rathmines was
founded. When the Church was burnt in 1920, St Clare’s Chapel ‘Our Lady of the Angels’ was opened as a public oratory and later continued as a Chapel of Ease and continued as such to the Parish of Holy Rosary until 2009. The present Church of Holy Rosary was built in 1938.
This year, 2015, the three Parishes, Rathmines, Mount Argus (founded as a Parish about 1975) and Harold’s Cross are being linked together as one Parish.
What type of Ministry (work, activities etc) is/are the Community/Sisters involved in?
El Salvador Awareness, Romero Centre and its newsletter, IMU, Afri and LASC, Secular Franciscans National and Area meetings, Icon Writing and Retreat Work, Le Cheile, Catholic Girl Guides, Legion of Mary.
Recent initiatives/events
The Eucharistic Congress Bell came to the Chapel in 2012 for prayers. The Icon of the Holy Family also came to the Convent Chapel.
Restoration of the Cemetery.
Who to contact for information or to request prayers-
Call: 003531 4995100 and leave prayer requests.
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