Harold’s Cross 1804
The Archives are not available to the Public – they are being rearranged .
The Rule of St Clare in English and Irish also her Testament and Blessing are in the Royal Irish Academy, Kildare Street, Dublin.
There are document and micro film in the National Library, Kildare Street re
Poor Clare’s, North King Street / Dorset Street Convents, relating to the mitigation of the Rule .
Reference: MS 8402 Poor Clare’s, National Library
Micro Film: positive 8392.
Both documents are mainly about mitigation of the rule between 1751- 1814
Ms Bernadette Cunningham, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin produced a booklet dealing mainly with the Convent in North King Street “An account of the Poor Clare Order in 18 Century Dublin” published 2012.
In 2017 Ms Cunningham gave a talk, “Gentlemen’s Daughters in Dublin Cloisters” .